Business Financial Planning

We understand how hard You work in your business, so isn’t it now time your business started working hard for you?
SurePlan Financial can advise you on how your business can protect your lifestyle both in retirement and if something were to happen to you prior to retirement. We call this Your (tax efficient) Income Preservation Plan
It will give you the confidence to look forward to your retirement while providing peace of mind knowing you will continue to receive a portion of your income if you are unable to work due to accident or illness. Most importantly it can take care of loved ones if you were to die prematurely. All these benefits can be provided by your business in a very tax efficient way.
Financial Protection for you and your business
Retirement Planning and Investing in the future
Employee Benefits and Corporate Wellbeing
Financial Protection for you and your business
Life Insurance with Tax Relief
If you are self-employed, in a partnership or a company director, it is possible to take out a life insurance policy through your business. These are life insurance policies where you can avail of tax relief on the cost of the cover.
Income Protection
This provides peace of mind knowing you will continue to receive an income if you are unable to work due to illness or injury. The premiums for this cover can also be treated as a business expense so that you can receive tax relief on the costs of the cover. It is the most comprehensive, long-term benefit you can get. Your income supports everything in your current and future lifestyle, and it is important to protect it.

Keyperson Insurance
The future of a business can often be dependent on key people such as the business owner or a key employee. The business may be financially and operationally impacted by the loss of the key person in the event of them becoming seriously ill or dying prematurely. A life insurance policy or specified illness cover can be put in place by the company for these key individuals in order to compensate the business for loss of profit or to recruit a suitable replacement or to repay business loans.
Partnership and Shareholder Insurance
The death or serious illness of a partner or company shareholder can have major implications on the future of your business, on your family and your surviving business owners. It can cause immediate financial hardship for the remaining partners or shareholders and maybe even loss of control of the partnership or company.
Quite often a share of the business is a large financial asset, so on death of a partner or co-director, their next of kin may expect a payment for their share of the business. If the remaining partners or shareholders do not have the funds required to buy back the share, they may be forced to take out loans or the next of kin may choose to sell the share to a third party.
Partnership or Shareholder Insurance plans can provide the necessary funds required by the remaining partners or shareholders and a legal agreement can be put in place to ensure the next of kin will sell the inherited share back to the partnership / company.
Retirement Planning and Investing in the future

Retirement Planning
Being the owner of a company can be hectic. Sometimes too hectic to take the time to plan your retirement. It is important, however, to have a realistic retirement plan in place for your future, especially if you have a good lifestyle to protect. You have worked hard for your benefits, and with a little thought, you can make sure you retain those advantages when you retire.
One of the most attractive, tax efficient ways for you, as a business owner, to take profits from your business and turn them into personal wealth, is to transfer these profits into a pension. Unlike other remunerations such as salary increases, bonuses or company cars, a contribution to a company pension plan (or personal pension for sole-traders / partnerships) can be treated as a business expense and is not normally viewed as a benefit in kind. This means you do not pay tax on the pension contribution and that could add up to a very significant saving. There are of course rules and regulations governing how much can be paid into a pension and receiving tax relief. SurePlan Financial can help you choose the right pension for your circumstances and the right investment fund for your contributions, depending on your risk tolerance and term to retirement.
Corporate Savings and Investments
From time to time some businesses will have money in their company bank accounts that may not be needed in the short term (next 5 years). Or the business may have some long-term savings goals that they would like to build a pot of money for – e.g. future expansion plans or buying new premises. With interest rates at an all-time low, there are alternative options for these savings and investments where your business’s money will work harder.
Similar to personal investing, there are many options whether your business would like to save a regular monthly amount or if it has a lump sum to invest. We will create a diversified investment strategy that will suit your business’s needs, the timeframe involved as well as your appetite and tolerance for investment risk.
Employee Benefits and Corporate Wellbeing
Employee Benefits
In an era where employee talent has never been more flexible and mobile, employees are looking beyond their basic salary when evaluating an employment package. We work with you to design an employee benefit package to help you attract and retain key personnel which can positively contribute to your company’s culture and values.
There are three main benefits employers can provide for their employees tax efficiently:
- Group Death in Service (life assurance): lump sum benefit paid to an employee’s dependents or estate in the event of their untimely death.
- Group Income protection: in the event of an employee being out of work long term due to accident or sickness, they would continue to receive an income. Employers can provide income protection insurance of up to 75% of the employee’s salary (less the State Illness Benefit). This could be paid until the employee’s retirement date if the illness was serious and they could never return to work.
- Group Pensions: can be set up in one of two ways (1) Group pension scheme (2) Group PRSA. Sureplan Financial will evaluate both options with employer and the scheme’s structure including who can join the scheme, when can they join, how much employers and employees will contribute.

You as the employer can determine the eligibility criteria for the above benefits and SurePlan Financial can help you with both designing these packages and choosing the right product provider to provide the benefits.
With all benefits we will provide a road map for employee communication and engagement to ensure members fully understand their benefits. These include onsite / online group and individual information sessions.
Corporate Wellbeing
Positive financial wellbeing for employees is an integral part of creating a healthy work environment, it can boost productivity, improve employee engagement and retention but more importantly, the employers we partner with believe “it’s the right thing to do”.
We create employee centric programs in line with your business values and budgets.
Our employee engagement ensures each member understands directly what these benefits mean for their financial future. We offer flexibility to support employers and employees hosting regular group and individual sessions at a time that convenient for everyone.
Our mission is to support and educate your employees, and for them to be inspired by good financial planning.